Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta - bali tour

The Beauty of Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali

General information

Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali is one of the tourist attractions located on Jalan Sunset Road, Benoa Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali is a bustling tourist spot with tourists on weekdays and holidays. This place is very beautiful and can give a different sensation to our daily activities.

Tour Bali Shell Museum in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali has a charm of beauty is very interesting to visit. Very in pity if you are in the city of Badung do not visit Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali which has a beauty that no such.

Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali is perfect for your holiday activities, especially during long holidays such as national holidays, or other holidays. The beauty of Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali is very good for all of you who are near or in the distance to come to visit Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali in Badung city.


Where is the location of Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali? as written above the location is located on Jalan Sunset Road, Benoa Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. But if you are still confused where the location or location of Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali I suggest you search by typing Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali in google maps search only. On Google maps is already marked where the location you are looking for.


Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali has a unique building. A building with a prominent signage located at the top of the museum is a blue waves shaped ornament with large writing Balinese Shell Museum. The owner of this museum named Stephen and he has been since childhood interested in the world of shells. For decades he has collected shells, and traveled all over the world to collect scarce fossil fossils.

Bali Shell Museum is one of the hard work. And unsparing, because the museum was built at a cost of up to Rp 6 billion. Bali Shell Museum is divided into three floors. When entering the museum, then you will be faced with a beautiful gallery containing various accessories made of shells. There are lights, wall displays, until the knick-knacks are nicely styled. On the first floor of this museum is functioned as an artshop that sells various souvenirs craft shells.
Then go up to the second floor, beginning with a documentary screening of the life of marine life that will open the searchers' knowledge about the various unique and amazing species of marine inhabitants besides fish. After you finish watching a documentary film search museum collection began. On this second floor you will be able to see various collections of various types of shells with different sizes and ages as well ..

On this floor the collection is dominated by various fossil shells and sea animals from various parts of the world (including Galapagos) that have been hundreds of millions of years old. There are even fossils that are thought to have come from animals that already had before the age of dinosaurs. Then you can go up to the third floor facing the marine biota museum. However, of course the collection of various types of shells still exist also on this floor, such as the very shiny Cypraea moneta.


Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali is practically an educational Tour that has several facilities and services including the following:

- Vehicle parking area

- Restaurant

- Arshop

- Bathroom / MCK

- Rest area

- Lodging

- and many others


For tourists from the city of Badung is not confused anymore to go to the location of Bali Shell Tours Museum in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali. But how for tourists outside the city and even abroad, of course they are confused and afraid to get lost. But do not worry for tourists outside the city of Badung I have a solution for you all not stray.

Of course, what means of transportation you use to travel to Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali by using private vehicles such as: Private car or motorcycle. You can ask for directions to Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali on google maps installed on your smartphone. Because using a private vehicle will be more fun than using public transport.

However, if you use public transport such as: public bus or other transportation is also not a big problem, the article you can stop at the terminal bus city south kuta. After that continue by using a motorcycle taxi or your personal vehicle to the village of Benoa until it arrives at location Bali Shell Tourism Museum in Kuta Bali Badung Bali.

Suggestions and TipsSuggestions and tips

before heading to Bali Shell Museum Tour in Kuta Selatan Badung Bali, that is monitoring the weather first so as not to hinder his vacation. You need to prepare the necessities that will need such as bringing supplies, drinking water and more. As well as some additional items such as cameras because you definitely want to capture the moment with your family or friends. Do not forget to bring health equipment (for example is soap, wet tissue, drugs, antiseptic). Prepare your physical and vehicle so that your vacation runs smoothly. Take care of your condition and always be careful.

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